Twisted Sunshine

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Are Wii the Children of Revolution?

In my honest opinion I think that like any other gaming system,Wii is just a hype. With all the technologies, these marketers are just trying to sell their product. Although may not be a gamer, I don't think that a game system such as Wii is a revolution. I'll admit that when it first came out, I was really excited. I mean who wouldn't be. A system that allows you to play freely.How awesome is that? But if you really think of it, it all comes down to 'it's just a game'. To me, Wii is a game system that's gotten better. But the thing is, What game system hasn't gotten better? Look at Playstation's evolution - Playstation 1,2&3. Gameboys have been re-invented to get more sales. Gameboy to DS. Wii is just another evolution of a game system. One thing they do have in common is that it's just a game. Some people might think that Wii is like one of the greatest inventions because it's for all ages. That doesn't make it a revolution either, for years game systems have always been for all ages. No matter what age you are, all types of game systems was available for you to use. Sooner or later another game invention will be created. The problem with this evolution of game system is that the more better they get, the more the children will want to stay home. I've heard that game systems are parts of the reason why some kids are unhealthy and gaining weight. All they do is stay home and just glue their eyes to the screen. No exercise or any activity is being consumed.Overall, Wii is not revolution. It's just another evolution that will later on be forgotten because there will be a new invention, and I garuntee that.